These words have become like a Mantra over the last few years. So, Wake Up to what exactly? I would say, ‘Wake up to what exactly?’ Because I can identify 2 different meanings to the words ‘Wake up!’ There is so much going on in the world right now that it can lead to confusion. …
How can I help You? Yoga Classes 2025.
Hatha Yoga Classes for 2025 – offering you support in this fast paced, changing world we are living in. I practice Yoga to help me move freely with strength and lightness, by finding the effortlessness in the effort. Feeling the aliveness within me that connects the mind and body. This way of practicing is very…
Explore the Boundless Horizons of the Mind
Recently I saw the Northern Lights and at one point they looked like a veil separating dimensions. For a short while I had a feeling of vastness – of dimensions beyond dimensions! It was a moment of AWWW. A wonderful moment, when you realise the truth of something bigger than all of us here on earth. …
The rumbles of Rage
I can only speak from a female’s perspective on the rumbles of rage. The Hindu Goddess Kali (featured in the set image) in this blog, represents fierce rage; the dark side of the ego. However she also represents the Divine Mother, the dynamic power of change, and liberation through ”dying”of the egoic self. Rage can…
Thoughts are simply energy, they are not even yours! Thoughts derive from the collective universal bank of thinking. Millions of us are thinking/feeling the same thing at the same time. The same subject the same judgement, the same emotion. So thoughts cause emotions which then affect our behaviour. When a population becomes angry about something,…
Are Human Beings all One?
Instead of recognising the inate and identical Divinity in all Human Beings, people tend to see other people as being higher or lower. For example: He is more educated or he is less educated. She is more wealthy or she is less wealthy. I belong to this ethnic group and they belong to that ethnic…
Exploring Desire and Avoidance
In this blog we are exploring desire and avoidance. So what does that mean? After all, we like and avoid things every day. However it is the COMPULSION to chase after something we desire or the COMPULSION to avoid or run away from something we do not like, that ultimately causes us unhappiness or suffering….
Yoga is Mindfulness
Yoga philosophy is a rich and ancient tradition that encompasses much more than just physical postures. At its core, yoga is about achieving union between the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga is Mindfulness, a school of Mindfulness. One of the key principles of yoga philosophy is the concept of ahimsa, which means non-violence or compassion…
Peace on Earth
As we come to the end of 2023 I feel it has been a very full year. Some of it felt very peaceful and some of it certainly did not. How can we contribute to peace on earth? Does it feel like too big a task? Would you rather just get on with your life?…
Incorporating Yoga into your Daily Life for a Healthier lifestyle.
In a fast-paced world where time seems to slip through our fingers, finding moments for self-care and wellness becomes paramount. Amidst the chaos, yoga stands as a beacon, offering a path to a healthier, more balanced life. By incorporating Yoga into your daily life for a healthier lifestyle it goes beyond the confines of a…
How do you know when you’re safe?
When you feel very unsafe your sympathetic nervous system springs into action and prepares you to fight or flight or maybe freeze and/or collapse; your body tenses up and it becomes difficult to yield to the Earth for support. We all have varying levels of feeling safe. Whatever makes You feel unsafe may not have…
Are you Confused about the way the world is being run? Do you find yourself listening to a variety of You Tube videos on different topics happening around the world and the TV News? Do you wish perhaps that things were a bit more like they used to be, when perhaps they made SLIGHTLY more…
Brigid – The Divine Feminine Energy
I’m no expert on Brigid , born 450 to 521, the Celtic pagan goddess or Saint Brigid, however the words Divine Feminine Energy resonate with me and I perceive Brigid as That. I feel that Brigid is a remarkable female Celtic goddess and/or Saint that represents our divine feminine energy, attributes and qualities that…
How Can I help You? Yoga Classes for 2023
Hatha Yoga Classes for 2023 which offer you support in this fast paced, changing world we are living in. I practice Yoga to help me move freely and with lightness, finding the effortlessness in the effort . Feeling the aliveness within me that connects the mind and body. This way of practicing is very grounding…
What do you need for Christmas?
How about giving yourself a package of self care that improves your physical and mental health and makes you feel alive. ✨ Recently I taught a 30 minute mindfulness practice for a group of professionals. It can be a challenge for a teacher to know how to approach a short 30 minute session taking into…
Roar like a Goddess
As women living in todays patriarchal society have forgotten how to roar. We have had our roar suppressed for centuries we have been taught to be quiet and subservient, of course in some cultures much more so than others. Women must learn to Roar like a Goddess once more. The Hindi Goddess Durga is the…
Do you like to move it, move it?
Do you like to move it, move it? I certainly want to be able to move my body freely in every direction for as long as I live, who doesn’t? Moving is primal, we were made to move – to run, walk, skip, dance but not in a linear way – in an instinctive way….
Inner Peace – World Peace.
International Day of Peace 2022 All the wise sages of our time have told us that we must connect to our sense of inner peace first then we can unite together in world peace. Inner Peace – World Peace. If you are at war in your mind with conflict and hatred, resentment and judgement then…
How Are You Feeling?
How are you feeling since the 24th February? You may not remember from that exact date, but I do, because there was a collective or global seismic shift in the level of fear and trauma around the world and I felt that. Maybe you did too or it exacerbated underlying feelings of trauma and anxiety…
The Evolution of Movement
We evolved from the ocean so the evolution of movement begins in the sea. We were water creatures. We had scaly skin and swam with heads and tails. Then we evolved feet and fins and crawled onto the land. We grew 4 limbs and then stood up and walked on them and then stood up…
Forgiveness is very difficult, because it doesn’t come naturally to our negative mindset, we prefer to blame the ‘other’, it’s easier and more self-fulfilling. We tell ourselves, ‘ I didn’t do anything wrong!’ or ‘If they hadn’t done/said this or that, then I wouldn’t have done/said this or that.’ There’s an idea that you can…
What is Embodied Yoga?
Over the space of many years I have shifted from making Yoga shapes ( asana) to developing a practice of embodied movement or embodied Yoga. As a beginner when you join a Yoga class you have to practice putting your body into new shapes which it does not usually make during every day life and…
Living with the Future
Before you read any further – take a Pause – breathing in slightly deeper and breathing out slightly slower. Do this a few times until you feel your body begin to settle into the chair and your mind start to slow down. You may wish to close your eyes or focus softly on one thing…
The Gentle Art of Letting Go
What happens when instead of Letting Go you hold on to your rage, fear, jealousy, shame, grief or some other emotion? Firstly it’s not just a repetitive dialogue that you’re having with yourself in your head. Emotions and feelings live in your body, they hibernate in your connective tissues when ignored and suppressed. ‘Your issues…
Negotiating a Crumbling World
Life is a bit surreal at the moment and negotiating this crumbling world can feel difficult at times. One might even say events happening now are on a biblical scale, with fires running wild in some countries, floods doing the same, earthquakes wrecking havoc, wars, thousands of people running for fear of their lives in…
Mindful Body Awareness
There’s a growing trend to push the body to extremes, with many more extreme sports using the words ‘ultra’ and ‘iron’ to define achievement. There is a definite lack of mindful body awareness (interoception) among the population. Nowadays people are aggressively pushing their body and mind to achieve more and more. This morning a young…
A Yogic Lifestyle
Yoga is the love of my life. I don’t mean simply doing Yoga asana. I mean living a yogic lifestyle. I’m practicing Yoga 22 years now, I still think I came to it late in life (38) but such a delight when I did. To find a way to immediately self regulate my anxiety without…
Fierce Mindfulness
Fierce mIndfulness is mindfulness that is practiced with a passion. Having the will and determination to connect to our deeper sense of Self and to sense a connection to every living being, from an awakened heart space. A fierce mindfulness practice is not a struggle to get somewhere or fix yourself. It is a calling…
Mindfulness Compassion for Equality
As we see in America and the world there is a lot of racial injustice embedded in the system. So how can we practice Mindfulness Compassion for equality? How can we hold ourselves accountable? Individually we all have a role to play in Justice for all Races. Is it right to sit back and say,…
Mindful Eating
There’s been plenty of food for thought over the past year, pardon the pun but not much mindful eating! Food has been one of our few pleasures over the past year as many of our activities and hobbies ceased due to covid 19 lockdowns. We have to eat 2/3 times a day for energy and…