Forgiveness is very difficult, because it doesn’t come naturally to our negative mindset, we prefer to blame the ‘other’, it’s easier and more self-fulfilling. We tell ourselves, ‘ I didn’t do anything wrong!’ or ‘If they hadn’t done/said this or that, then I wouldn’t have done/said this or that.’ There’s an idea that you can…
What is Embodied Yoga?
Over the space of many years I have shifted from making Yoga shapes ( asana) to developing a practice of embodied movement or embodied Yoga. As a beginner when you join a Yoga class you have to practice putting your body into new shapes which it does not usually make during every day life and…
Living with the Future
Before you read any further – take a Pause – breathing in slightly deeper and breathing out slightly slower. Do this a few times until you feel your body begin to settle into the chair and your mind start to slow down. You may wish to close your eyes or focus softly on one thing…
The Gentle Art of Letting Go
What happens when instead of Letting Go you hold on to your rage, fear, jealousy, shame, grief or some other emotion? Firstly it’s not just a repetitive dialogue that you’re having with yourself in your head. Emotions and feelings live in your body, they hibernate in your connective tissues when ignored and suppressed. ‘Your issues…
Negotiating a Crumbling World
Life is a bit surreal at the moment and negotiating this crumbling world can feel difficult at times. One might even say events happening now are on a biblical scale, with fires running wild in some countries, floods doing the same, earthquakes wrecking havoc, wars, thousands of people running for fear of their lives in…
Mindful Body Awareness
There’s a growing trend to push the body to extremes, with many more extreme sports using the words ‘ultra’ and ‘iron’ to define achievement. There is a definite lack of mindful body awareness (interoception) among the population. Nowadays people are aggressively pushing their body and mind to achieve more and more. This morning a young…
A Yogic Lifestyle
Yoga is the love of my life. I don’t mean simply doing Yoga asana. I mean living a yogic lifestyle. I’m practicing Yoga 22 years now, I still think I came to it late in life (38) but such a delight when I did. To find a way to immediately self regulate my anxiety without…
Fierce Mindfulness
Fierce mIndfulness is mindfulness that is practiced with a passion. Having the will and determination to connect to our deeper sense of Self and to sense a connection to every living being, from an awakened heart space. A fierce mindfulness practice is not a struggle to get somewhere or fix yourself. It is a calling…
Mindfulness Compassion for Equality
As we see in America and the world there is a lot of racial injustice embedded in the system. So how can we practice Mindfulness Compassion for equality? How can we hold ourselves accountable? Individually we all have a role to play in Justice for all Races. Is it right to sit back and say,…
Mindfulness Meditation
Why is everyone so distracted nowadays? We are all looking for the next thing to buy or experience, we are never satisfied with the present moment somehow it is never good enough. “There must be something better than this, mustn’t there?” We say to ourselves, but what? Mindfulness Meditation heals the body/mind disconnection. When I…