Life is a bit surreal at the moment and negotiating this crumbling world can feel difficult at times. One might even say events happening now are on a biblical scale, with fires running wild in some countries, floods doing the same, earthquakes wrecking havoc, wars, thousands of people running for fear of their lives in Afghanistan this week and many other atrocities like cruelty, famine and poverty. Plus a pandemic and wildlife extinction are happening around the world.
One thing I notice and I’m sure you do as well is how rapidly things change. One minute people are living normal lives and the next they have nothing at all left of that life. It can happen in a moment. It can also happen to any of us. From a mindfulness perspective it’s not ‘them’ and ‘us.’ We are all interconnected, everything we say and do ripples out and has it’s effects.
How did we find our way here? What happened? I don’t know, but I know we are living in a time where wealth is held by 1% of the population who are keen to explore how they will survive on another planet while we desecrate this one. They are not interested in awakening consciousness that doesn’t involve making money.
What can we do? How can we negotiate a crumbling world? We can look out into the world all we like for ways to solve our problems and as important as that is, what is more vital is that we look inside ourselves. That we connect back to our common humanity, so that we care what happens half way around the world to other human beings. To feel, sense and understand that it’s not ‘them’ and ‘us’ but that we are all connected.
There is feminine and masculine life force energy. We can see how there is too much patriarchal energy in our political climate of dis-ease at the moment. We can also see how feminine energy has been desecrated by the response of Mother earth in fires, floods, earthquakes, Tsunamis, over heating, and disease. Mother Earth is crying.
She is abandoned, unloved, covered in litter and concrete, drowning in waste and chemicals and surrounded by space junk. We have abandoned our feminine energy in our disregard and disrespect for Mother Earth.
Even humans have abandoned their feminine energy, living in a climate of consumerism and dis-ease. We have forgotten our sweetness, our sense of flow and grace, the joyful expression of our essential Being. Instead we have an excess of masculine energy, the sterile rules, the getting it right, the pushing yourself so hard that you never feel happy. You’ve lost any connection to your deeper truer Self.
How can we manifest a better world for the generations to come? ‘We can follow the caravan of our ancestors,’ (Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen). They would’ve ‘come together‘ in such times, they would have spent time in nature, nurturing the earth with their song.
They live on in us, in our genes, in our very cells. We can create new songs and come together in our communities to support one another for the sake of our children and the generations to come. We can manifest a more balanced, peaceful, interconnected world and earth through our Meditation practice.
Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of abundance. She is seen with her gold coins and often associated with acquiring physical wealth and material things. However we can also meditate on her energy to manifest an abundance of nature, love and joy.

Firstly find what it is that you would like to align your energy with.
Clean, sparkling oceans, rivers and lakes teaming with life? An abundance of wildlife in lush forests or jungles? Peace on earth? Communities coming together – growing their own food, creating, trading and thriving and supporting one another? A fresh regard for Mother earth and the space around her? What would you like to manifest?
Once you’ve decided find a comfortable seated position and connect to your breathing, Inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly for a few rounds.
Now align your energy with having it. Use your imagination as a powerful tool for this and bring about the energy in your being of having it; eg, a sparkling, glimmering ocean teaming with all kinds of life, then express extreme gratitude for it, say Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Then let go of it and allow the universe to bring it forth.
{Don’t dwell on it or go back into a ‘lack’ of it.}
Create a regular practice of manifesting a world you would like to live in and you would like the future generations of your family to live in. The changes that happen within us through our Meditation practice effect how we fulfil our purpose – how we live, love and move through the world in our daily lives and the decisions we make plus how we interconnect with our fellow human beings and animals.
Manifesting an abundant world and earth imbued with feminine lifeforce energy through regular meditation by each of us feeds into the universal consciousness, who will then respond.
Om Shakti Ma, Om Shakti Ma, Om shakti ma
This article is written with thanks to:
Pathways to the Goddess day, Goddess Lakshmi, by Reva from Mandala Yoga Ashram
John Lockley, Traditional Shaman
Bonnie bainbridge Cohen
Awakening Shakti by Sally Kempton
Beautiful words Janet. Thank you. I definitely needed to read this right now.
🙏🏼 Tx