Fierce mIndfulness is mindfulness that is practiced with a passion. Having the will and determination to connect to our deeper sense of Self and to sense a connection to every living being, from an awakened heart space.
A fierce mindfulness practice is not a struggle to get somewhere or fix yourself. It is a calling to practice in each moment of each day. To find access to the source creation within us.
Fierce mindfulness is riding the Tiger. Goddess Durga rides on a Tiger. If you worship her she kills the mind so it cannot fluctuate. She protects virtue and destroys evil.
A Tiger represents willpower, courage, and personal strength. They represent the balance of yin and yang. Tigers are a symbolic release of fears and standing for truth, justice and integrity.
Practicing Fierce Mindfulness is finding the stillness in the motion and the motion in the stillness. Being able to hear the separation between sound from silence. Creating space from the objects around us. Embodying our inner world with our outer world.
Fierce mindulness is having the courage to release your fears and masks and find your True authentic Self. Living out your life and purpose with integrity and love.
A tiger can roar out it’s frustrations and anger.
It protects, it plays, it’s soft and also has a sensitivity.
The Latin word ‘anima’ means breath or soul. The adjective ‘animalis’ means “having breath or soul”. This is the root for the word animal.
As human animals we are in danger of losing or forgetting our soul connection. In order to reconnect to our deeper True Self, each other, the earth, and all life that lives on the earth we need to practice Fierce Mindfulness. Be and live fully in each wonderful moment of your life.
As humans we are continuously being pulled into the next moment. It may be our primitive survival brain priming us for “what’s next?”. That tinge of anxiety, that must have always been present for our hunter gatherer ancestors. So ride on your Tiger, find the willingness and trust to let the Creator/Universe take care of you. Trust in the abundance of life, just like the Tiger and live in the moment with fierce mindfulness.