These words have become like a Mantra over the last few years. So, Wake Up to what exactly? I would say, ‘Wake up to what exactly?’ Because I can identify 2 different meanings to the words ‘Wake up!’ There is so much going on in the world right now that it can lead to confusion. …
Tag: presence
Explore the Boundless Horizons of the Mind
Recently I saw the Northern Lights and at one point they looked like a veil separating dimensions. For a short while I had a feeling of vastness – of dimensions beyond dimensions! It was a moment of AWWW. A wonderful moment, when you realise the truth of something bigger than all of us here on earth. …
The rumbles of Rage
I can only speak from a female’s perspective on the rumbles of rage. The Hindu Goddess Kali (featured in the set image) in this blog, represents fierce rage; the dark side of the ego. However she also represents the Divine Mother, the dynamic power of change, and liberation through ”dying”of the egoic self. Rage can…
Yoga is Mindfulness
Yoga philosophy is a rich and ancient tradition that encompasses much more than just physical postures. At its core, yoga is about achieving union between the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga is Mindfulness, a school of Mindfulness. One of the key principles of yoga philosophy is the concept of ahimsa, which means non-violence or compassion…
What do you need for Christmas?
How about giving yourself a package of self care that improves your physical and mental health and makes you feel alive. Recently I taught a 30 minute mindfulness practice for a group of professionals. It can be a challenge for a teacher to know how to approach a short 30 minute session taking into…
Inner Peace – World Peace.
International Day of Peace 2022 All the wise sages of our time have told us that we must connect to our sense of inner peace first then we can unite together in world peace. Inner Peace – World Peace. If you are at war in your mind with conflict and hatred, resentment and judgement then…
How Are You Feeling?
How are you feeling since the 24th February? You may not remember from that exact date, but I do, because there was a collective or global seismic shift in the level of fear and trauma around the world and I felt that. Maybe you did too or it exacerbated underlying feelings of trauma and anxiety…
Living with the Future
Before you read any further – take a Pause – breathing in slightly deeper and breathing out slightly slower. Do this a few times until you feel your body begin to settle into the chair and your mind start to slow down. You may wish to close your eyes or focus softly on one thing…
Fierce Mindfulness
Fierce mIndfulness is mindfulness that is practiced with a passion. Having the will and determination to connect to our deeper sense of Self and to sense a connection to every living being, from an awakened heart space. A fierce mindfulness practice is not a struggle to get somewhere or fix yourself. It is a calling…