Hatha Yoga Classes for 2025 – offering you support in this fast paced, changing world we are living in.
I practice Yoga to help me move freely with strength and lightness, by finding the effortlessness in the effort. Feeling the aliveness within me that connects the mind and body. This way of practicing is very grounding and liberating. It is useful for men and women over 40 who notice a change in their body, in that, they can no longer move with the same ease and effortlessness. The menopause can have a massive change on the body and mind for women. Likewise, men also experience hormonal changes at this stage of life.
As you move through the decades it becomes noticeable how flexibility and agility decrease in the body as we develop bad postural habits and ways of walking, sitting and standing. Going to the gym or running while useful can create more tension and tightness in already tense muscles which will definitely not improve your flexibility or ability to move with more ease and flow. It may even increase your risk of injury if you don’t include a practice like Yoga into your routine to create more muscle EXTENSION. With a regular Yoga practice you can improve your posture, balance, coordination and way of moving.
I can help you to move, walk, and transition easily from floor to standing and vice versa; build core strength, and move with more ease and efficiency during your everyday life. In class we practice Yoga poses and Somatic movement. These somatic patterns of movement are already embedded in our muscle memory cells, so all we have to do is relearn them. Moving with ease and flow as you get older is what is most important, isn’t it?
Practicing for 25 years and teaching for 20, I continually update my own practice so that I can bring the best and latest Hatha Yoga practices directly to you. I can offer you a wealth of experience. Many people come to Yoga because of bad health or injury I can offer you the professional guidance you need to practice safely as a qualified Yoga Therapist.
Offering you ‘a space’ in your life to practice selfcare, to strengthen, move, heal, and calm your body and mind. Yoga and Mindfulness give you the skills to cope with everyday living, that make your life easier, happier and more fulfilling on and off the mat. As a Mindfulness Coach and Facilitator, I teach Yoga with a body/mind connect approach.
It is fun, life changing, strength building, empowering and helps you see and appreciate your body and mind from a more conscious/ aware perspective. Take what you learn on the mat out into your everyday life. Live your Yoga.
Yoga Classes 2025
Call / message for info 07784262792
NEWCASTLE – The Parish of Maghera Parish Centre, 14 Main Street, BT33 0AD
Mondays 6.30 pm
Tuesdays 10.30 am
DOWNPATRICK – Ballymote Centre (beside Supervalue) 40 Killough Road, BT30 6PY
Mondays 11.00 am
Wednesdays 6.30 pm
Wednesdays Men’s class 7.45 pm
To BOOK your place:
Call/message 07784262792
Email: janet@beyondmindfulnessni.com
Payment details are given once you have made contact and booked your place.
Men are welcome at all of the classes however The Wednesday Men’s class is for men only.
Facebook @ Janet mcgregor NI
Instagram @mcgregor_janet